Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Kristyn Wakes up at 6 a.m. ... every day

Now that is a scary blog post title for those who know me. I am NOT a morning person. I'm lucky enough to work in the city where I live, so I can get away with sleeping until 7:15.. 8... 8:15.. most days. With a variable bedtime of 10-11:30, this is supposed to guarantee me my 9 hours of sleep, and I wake up in a MUCH better mood than after 6 or 7 hours of sleep. I am not chatty in the morning, I "wake up" sometime around 10 a.m. (calls before 10 a.m. are the WORST..), have been known to say really strange things in emails and texts before that time, and become increasingly chipper as the day goes on.

So why THE F*CK would I decide to become someone who wakes up at 6 a.m. every day? Well, friends, the answer is: exercise.

I have been finding it so hard to fit in fitness, which in some past iterations of my life was successfully typically done between 7 - 8:30 every night, at least 2-3x/week. However, doing that means a mad rush to make and eat dinner, walk the dog, exercise, shower and spend some time with Jeff - making the evenings a flurry of activity and not leaving a lot of time for downtime, hobbies and especially not for social plans. I've definitely noticed a shift that many plans have headed to weeknights these days - not 100% sure the reason, maybe more people using the weekends to recharge after a workweek since we are so damn old ;) or maybe more people dedicating weekends to time spent with kids/immediate families. So I was trying to stuff my social stuff into Wednesday nights and work out the other nights of the week, but add in my variable work schedule with frequent evening meetings and events, and I just wasn't MOVING MY BODY. Unacceptable! (for ME. exercise is a big part of my life. but also really hard to motivate yourself to do when you're busy and tired - and busy and tired is how I'd define 2018).

See you again in 4 months, outdoor cycling... :*(

So while I was away in Galapagos, with "vacation brain", that expanded brain that allows you to plan life as a better you when you come home, I started thinking about exercise. I knew I wanted to focus on activities that won't hurt me (i.e. no running, limited elliptical, and actually no yoga due to a downward dog induced wrist injury from a bout of yoga this fall - ugh) - thinking about super low impact swimming, and indoor cycling. I also know I owe my physiotherapist about 15 mins a day (ha!) of exercises for my various ailments (tennis elbow, wonky foot, weak core causing back issues) which I NEVER DO, so I thought a physio/strength session would be good too. And I'm also thinking about 2020 (who isn't...judge away, I'm so Type A) when we move into the condo and in the small space, Jeff is going to wake me up every morning at 6:15 when he gets up for work. Currently he gets ready and showers in another part of our upstairs, but I'm not going to banish him to the less nice shower (we're getting a really nice big tiled glass shower in the ensuite.. shower goals realized! :)), and I'm not going to move into the guest room permanently (besides, I'd hear him in the kitchen anyways! ;)). So in that scenario I'll likely need to do something in morning (unless I want to get to work across the street at 6:45 a.m... I don't).. so could I work out? The seed was planted.

Hanging out with Galapagos wildlife gave my brain the space and time it needed to hatch plans!

I've done morning workouts before. I've felt really crummy after some. I've felt decently good after others. Mixed bag. I get SUPER hungry after I work out, and SUPER sleepy when the workout is demanding.. neither of these are feelings I enjoy riding through the day, so it's been nice to mainly feel them late at night and then sleep them off.


I've been struggling with early waking insomnia for a couple of years now. If I wake up after 5 a.m. I often don't get back to sleep AT ALL. So crappy! Exercise makes me sleep better AND if I'm so used to getting up in the 5s and 6s, why don't I at least do something with it instead of lying in bed, frustrated?

With my vacation-brain plan hatched, I came home, ready to set it in motion. And of course struggled with awful stomach issues following my trip for the first week.. but THEN.. THEN it was the second week home. And I committed to three morning workouts a week - Mon, Tues, Thurs, for the next 5 weeks until Christmas. And if I can do this, I can take $200 and spend it on a new pair of lulus and a nice workout top. If I don't do it, $200 goes to debt repayment (so lame!!! but god, so much debt right now between Tesla and condo down payment lol - so in a way I win either way, but I win WAY BETTER if I get the nice workout tights - for the record I only go into lululemon and touch things, never allowing myself to buy - but I love their gear! the pieces I own are gifts and hand me downs from Dawn - thanks D! :)).

Just add hips..
I practiced on the first Sunday morning with physio/strength in the basement (future life: in condo gym, or second bedroom aka my space - Jeff gets the den). It went well. I was hungry! I went to the gym the following day and rode the bike for 30 mins, averaging about 24 km/hr (decently faster than I go outside - I credit good workout music instead of the sound of my own panting :)). I went to the pool on Tuesday morning and swam my triathlon distance of 750km in about 22 mins. Thursday I repeated physio/strength in the basement. And Week 1 was over before I knew it. NOW I'm most of the way through Week 3 and can't believe how easy it's actually been. I've also increased my bike and swim speed to the point where I have to add distance to keep the time the same.. cool! And I've already upped my weights by 2 lbs (upper body) and added weight to bodyweight workouts like lunges and squats, and 30 seconds to my planks. Amazing how fast you can make gains (especially when starting back at GROUND ZERO).

Ok so the energy boost was great. I actually haven't noticed it as much the past 2 weeks but I sang and danced all the way to work (and at work a little) that first Monday. I am effing tired. Like, falling asleep on the couch at 9:30 p.m. every night and if I'm not  in bed by 10 I'm a wreck the next day (exhibit: today). My evenings are suddenly oases of time in which I can do things that actually interest me, and I have been just jamming them up with social plans, so excited not to need to juggle them against workouts anymore. Travelling out of town? All good - since I rarely leave before 7 a.m. anyways, there's always time to work out and I'm guaranteed a good hair day from styling it after my shower! Probably the best perk is that I never have to have those conversations with myself during the day: when will you work out? Will you work out? Will it be better to put it off to tomorrow? I just do it - and it's done. I wouldn't say I feel energetic in the morning, but once I'm on the bike, I'm riding and I find the energy. Once I'm the pool I'm swimming and I find the energy. I laid out a physio/strength workout for myself that isn't negotiable. So I just follow it. And once the planks are done, I actually enjoy the rest of it.

Why this seems to be working (from my view in the honeymoon phase):
- I never said it had to be forever, it's just 5 weeks. Like an addict, all new habits should be thought of one day at a time
- it has a reward attached to it and I'm pretty strict with myself when I make rules! I even have a contingency that if I get sick I can walk for 30 mins on the treadmill so I don't lose progress - it's cold and flu season after all and I want those pants!
- I pack my gym bag on Sunday and Monday nights so it's ready to go and one less thing to do/dread in the a.m.
- showering and doing my hair in the morning feels great, actually. 10 p.m. blow drying was a bummer
- early waking insomnia has disappeared (or has it? I just now get up in the 6s, no matter what, so who knows!) and all I had to sacrifice was an extra hour at the end of the evening to get to bed on time (and look what that sacrifice gets me - consistent exercise.. yes!)

I'm pretty hungry. It's faded a bit, but my body is definitely trying to replace the calories I burn first thing by eating everything in sight. So I haven't lost any weight and I don't look or feel different.. except.. EXCEPT.. I noticed some muscle definition returning to my arms and legs.. but didn't look too closely because I didn't want to jinx it.

So there. Kristyn wakes up at 6 a.m. every day. Today is my day off so I decided to work on another cast-aside habit - writing. Except I'm SUPER TIRED AND SUPER GRUMPY because I stayed up too late watching the Leafs.. when will I learn! Never. We've won 5 in a row and life as a Leafs fan is goo-ood right now!

So glad to have you back, buddy
So, I guess my recommendation would be - if you're having the same problem as me trying to find time to squeeze in fitness after work, and think you can spare an hour at the end of your evening to sleep, then wake up 1 hour earlier than you usually do and work out. You might just see the return of the long lost bicep after only 3 short weeks... And if you can stave off the rampant hunger, it might help you reach a weight loss goal, if that's your thing.

I don't know who wrote this blog post, but it's nice to meet her. I do recognize her because it's 7:30 a.m. and she's super angry about being awake/alive. Maybe I should go to the gym to feel better? HA!

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