Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2014 Resolutions

I haven’t made my new years resolutions for 2014 yet, but have been tossing a few ideas around in my head (making sure to floss every day, getting back to my wedding weight/focusing on strength training, learning French, juicing more……).  I thought sitting down to write about them would be the easiest way to hammer out this activity. So I started by reading my resolutions from last year.

Oh....  They’re almost exactly the same as what I was planning to put together for this year.  So of course, this forces some introspection.  Thoughts about willpower.  Musings on the past year.  Here comes a stream of consciousness (it’s basically a tiny novel, but, hey, you’re off work today and tomorrow right? :).

2013 was not the wonderful, easy-breezy, idyllic year I had planned for me and Jeff after our 2012 of scrimping and squinching to get our debt paid off, and the horror that was his (now former) rental property.  Getting Bailey in mid-January was life changing, but at first it was not an all around good life change.  His stomach was an absolute mess from January until the END OF APRIL.  We struggled with different treats, different foods, cooking him white rice and boiled chicken for dinner every night for weeks, withholding wheat, etc. etc. and all seemingly to no avail.  Add onto this the sudden major life changes of having to get up early, walk kilometers and kilometers every day, mostly in the dark dead of winter and blustery winds/snow of the longest winter in history and I was basically a ball of stress between Jan – Apr.  I can’t really remember a time in that window when I felt relaxed.  Even when I was out with friends, I’d sometimes pop home to let him out/check on him to make sure my side entrance wasn’t covered in ... anything… When I took my trip to Florida at the end of March to visit Michelle and “get away from it all”, I thought about Bailey, Jeff and home a lot (though it was a still a pretty ridiculously sweet trip).  I remember having friends over from out of town at the end of April, feeling like the dog’s stomach was finally getting it together, then watching him be horribly sick in the corner of the backyard while my stomach knotted up into a tight ball – it basically ruined my night at the bar, and I nearly punched a bouncer in the face when he made me GO HOME TO GET MY ID (I’m 30 and I’ve been going to Ebar since I was 22 – cut a girl a break, asshole!).  Finally, we found a food/diet regimen that worked for Mr. B, I adjusted to those early mornings (made much better when he wasn’t crated anymore and waking me up by eating his bed every morning at 6:30 a.m.) and things seemed like they were gonna be allllright. 
Then shit hit the fan at work in a pretty major way and I spent most of May and June way down in the dumps. In the summer I gave a shoutout to my amazing friends and family for talking me through a really tough situation and being so supportive, but you can never say thank you enough, so thank you, all of you.  I learned a ton from the situation – about myself, about several of my coworkers (who are major facets in day to day life at a place with 30 employees) and about how everything in the world is not always going to work out nicely and be free of drama  - but it’s how you handle it and show resilience and bounce back that makes every crappy situation an opportunity to learn and grow.  Unfortunately, what happened in May/June resulted in me having to take on an additional 2 weeks of fieldwork per month in June, July, August, September, October and November – leaving not much other time for the fieldwork I’d originally planned on, along with my in office work (like.. securing land?  kind of an important part of my new role!!!) or having any sort of work-life balance.  I spent a large number of those months sleeping away from home, working weekends, working 12 hour days, or driving hundreds of kilometers in a day.  I finally came indoors on the evening of November 9, 2013 and have been living a basically perfect, blissful life ever since. ;) I got caught up on house projects, time with friends, time with family, in office work, and slid back into the routine of my “usual” life which I’ve realized is so special because of its simplicity and small joys.  I even was so inspired by all the free time that I decided to challenge myself to be a better person, look into new volunteering opportunities and tackle Jeff’s and my “2013 To Do List” which consists of a crazy number of tasks around the house that Jeff and I ambitiously set for ourselves post-poop-stravaganza with the dog last spring.  It’s been a wonderful 2 months.  But 2 months does not a year make and here is a rather sad report back on my 2013 resolutions:

Juice: I kept up juicing for most of January but because of the cost of one small jug of juice (roughly $8) and the amount of raw material and fibre wasted, I decided it wasn’t sustainable in the long term.  I picked it up again during this Christmas vacation, and really did miss it.  Such a hit of nutrients!  I think I’ll be an “occasional juicer” but won’t add it to my resolutions for 2014 because it’s just too pricey and wasteful for me to rationalize doing more frequently than that.

Learn French: I didn’t touch my French tutorials online again after we picked up Bailey on January 16.  The end of life as I knew it ;)  In late November 2013 I asked bilingual Viv if she would consider teaching me French and she was super into it.  We’ve had 2 lessons, and I’ve learned a lot so far.  This one is definitely back on the resolution list for 2014.

Stand Up for Myself: Done, and done and done and done, in several places in my life.  Success!  Not an easy one, but a muscle I WILL keep flexing for sure.

Floss: Umm.  I still don’t know why I can’t make myself do this.  BACK ON THE LIST!  I need some sort of great inspiration – maybe I’ll put a picture of a pair of gingivitis-y gums up on my bathroom mirror.  Or try to find a new method of WILLPOWER – a system of rewards?  First thing in the morning, I just want to GO and last thing at night I just want to SLEEP!  Does this mean flossing at my desk is the only thing that’s going to work for me!?  Must make it work!  ON THE LIST!

I had to scale down the size of this picture because of how terrifying it is.
Get Back to My Wedding Weight: Well, a big thanks to Mr. Bailey for making sure I’m taking my 10,000 steps every day.  1x – 2x daily walks around our neighbourhood have kept my weight at a reasonable level – usually only about 5 lbs away from the wedding goal weight.  Unfortunately, I’ve noticed my pants aren’t fitting as well and think it’s because after a back injury last spring I stopped lifting weights and doing strength training.  So, instead of setting a number on the scale goal, this year’s weight loss goal is about amount of body fat lost.  And it’s 5 lbs by the end of February (I really want to do it before Crazy Field Season Part II hits, because that 2 weeks of monthly fieldwork in one area PLUS all my other work remains a reality until August 2014).  So: 5 lbs of fat – adios!

Two new additions to the list are:

Read 5 Classic Novels - I read two in one month after I “came inside” in November, so basically I’m pretty amazing ;) Almost done ALL the Brontes!

Be a Better Listener – this one is as simple as it sounds – listen, rather than waiting for my turn to speak.  And I find myself frequently relating similar tales/experiences to help a person understand their situation better, but I think sometimes it’s better to just focus on what the other person is saying (and what they’re NOT saying) and help them try to resolve and work out what they’re thinking about.

So, after a semi-disappointing 2013 (and I hope it doesn’t seem like a big string of “excuses” – I’d rather call them “reasons” or “life”) I welcome 2014, a year of learning French, flossing, losing (and maintaining the loss of) 5 lbs of fat, reading 5 classic novels, and being a better listener.

I know you can’t control the madness life throws at you sometimes (and my madness, when put in any sort of perspective was completely minor compared to the things that can happen in this life) but you can control how you react to it, how you stay on track with your goals in the face of it, and how you perceive it – so I will definitely continue to work on all those things, and hopefully grow a little more!
Happy New Year!!!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Winter Hijinks, and Wishes

I'm half an hour early for lunch with my mom on this very rainy Friday in December (nice view while I wait though) so I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the last little while in these brief moments of quiet before the inevitable hecticness of Christmas returns like an itchy but attractive blanket to wrap itself around me.

I've been keeping it pretty together aside from an embarrassing total wipeout spill in my driveway one unexpectedly icy day.  I ended up landing on one awkwardly bent shin on the ground- auggghwwww! There's also my trunk that doesn't close properly when it's cold outside, which has led to a couple of moments of me having to crawl through the backseat to open it via the 'emergency locked in the trunk release' (designed for kidnapping victims or the very cursed/clumsy?!?). Yesterday was probably the best example of this feat- picture me parked basically at the corner of Yonge and Eglinton, 6 days before Christmas, during lunchtime rush hour, hazard lights on in the right lane waiting for my coworker Kyla to bring me a 6' long sign, and my legs flailing wildly out the back door of the car while I squinch and struggle trying to reach that damn trunk release... Yup... There was the moment on last Sunday's Christmas Bird Count where I watched a fellow birder trip over a snow covered stump and collapse on the ground. I asked if she was ok, she got up, was good, kept hiking. I then immediately tripped over the same stump and collapsed into the snow. Cute and funny right? It was..until I burst out laughing, making my runny nose explode in front of three people I don't know that well. Agggggh Kristyn. Somehow I only fell four times that day, 11 hours of hiking through deep snow and over slippy surfaces, up and down hills. At one point I was even sprinting across an industrial construction site (while wearing $300 binoculars) looking for a snowy owl and I kept upright and all bodily fluids in check. Sometimes balance and coordination do come through for me! The snowy owl though, not so much. For more about this bird who is being spotted all over Ontario this winter, check out here: http://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/what-we-do/resource-centre/featured-species/snowy-owl.html

My hijincksy counterparts have not disappointed. Bailey, who hails from the snowy district of James Bay puts his head under the snow about 10x per walk, emerging with a confused but joyful face full of snow. Lately he has regularly been coming out of this pose with a Christmas-sprinkled pretzel or gingerbread stick (we can't figure out what it is). Jeff threw it far away from the sidewalk after pulling it out of Baileys mouth the second time he found it, but Bailey found one right beside the sidewalk with me the other day, leading Jeff and I to create a conspiracy theory about an entire sub-snow Christmas pretzel disposal site on our street.. This morning Bailey was so excited for our walk that he was bouncing vertically, all four paws leaving the ground at once. Very cute, his go to move for sure, but getting a bit too 'full of beans' as the dog walker calls him, he flipped fully over backwards and landed on his stomach facing the other direction. He was stunned, silent and unmoving- for exactly 2 seconds, until he resumed his bouncing, unscathed. Oh to be a dog.

A couple of weeks back Dawn told me her coworker was coining a new phrase: Dawning, but she didn't think he had it quite right (ovetanalyzing with a somewhat pessimistic spin). I agreed with her and said that, to me, Dawning would instead me getting your coat caught in the subway doors, or giving a presentation with toilet paper on your shoe. She wrote back that I was absolutely bang on- earlier that morning she'd presented to a VP with her fly down. I felt honoured to know her so well!

I want to wish everyone a hijincks free holiday and urge you to stay off the roads if they're really messy. Yes Christmas is (somewhat) wonderful and seeing your family is for sure the highlight, but the dangers of driving on icy or snowy roads simply outweigh the joys. Trust me, your family would much rather miss you this Christmas than every Christmas for the rest of their lives. To hosts, please don't put undue pressure on your guests to commute in dangerous conditions.  To guests, use your judgement when setting out on the roads, especially this icy weekend.

To all my friends, be safe, be happy and enjoy the holidays!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Good Deeds

This month, I decided to challenge myself to do at least one nice thing per day.  I can't exactly remember where it started - probably with stopping to let a car make a left in front of me at an intersection that is really tough (been there, man - solidarity).. and it felt so nice.  Usually I am a bit of a rushy ass behind the wheel, whirling around the city at top speed, honking, rolling my eyes at incompetence, racing ppl off the line and getting in front of another car just to "claim my spot in line".. a really pointless line, that doesn't really matter at the end of the day, right?  Not sure I'm committing to being a defensive, grandma-like driver for life, but feeling a bit less rushed these days, so that's one place to start. Or was it this buzzfeed list that brought a tear to my eye: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-world-isnt-such-a-bad-place?  (I think it was the kid's letter to the vet particularly.. omg...)  Just realizing it's up to each of us to try to make this world a better place.  I'm not sure I want to get to the end of my life and reflect on just how tidy my kitchen was, or how handy my new closet shelving is, or how long a nap I managed to take today.  These things are great, but some days I feel like I'm living this massively selfish extravagant life (because I have the time and means to organize my closet.. hmmm.. I am not much of an adventurer!).

Some mini good deeds to date:

I emptied all the change in my wallet into the Salvation Army guy's thing (what is that thing?  a donation bubble?  donation fishbowl?)  There were $50 bills in that fishbowl - I had to look twice to make sure they were real! Then I gave a bunch of dimes and pennies.  Small, but hopefully it helps someone.

I spent some of my lunch break the other day chatting with a recent grad looking to get into the environmental field - 4 years of reviewing 400-1,000 resumes every February gave me some idea of what looks good on a resume, so I hope my advice was helpful.

I donated to my dog walkers' pet food drive that they were organizing this Christmas.  That one was my favourite so far - I love thinking of a pooch being made happy by cookies he probably never gets to eat. Because when times are tough, understandably, dog treats go straight to the bottom of the grocery list.

These things are great.. but also tough in a way because you want to do MORE.. but I guess you have to be realistic.  I'm not made of dog treat money.  So I guess you just do what you can!

This week I got involved in Freecycle which is basically the antidote to Kijiji.  Jeff and I put stuff on Kijiji frequently - snow tires (because we seem to constantly be shedding cars?!), foosball table (still unsold 5 years later.. anyone have a hankering to play some table soccer with tiny men... EVERY DAY?  NO?!  shocking!), car parts from his Jetta (RIP Jetta - 2001-2011 - car parts have made it live on in a zombie-like state for the past 2.5 years), old couch, etc. etc. - and the million annoying inquiries we get that go nowhere, the no-shows, the petty bartering (from Dutch Jeff as well as the interested parties! :P), and nonstop text messages back and forth - it's exhausting.  Freecycle on the other hand is you posting items you no longer want/need of likely lower value (e.g. old cork bulletin board, now unused pine end table/nightstand, extra DVD player from 2003) and you get these wonderful messages from people like a guy helping out his friend who recently got divorced and was left with nothing - how a DVD player would make her and her son's Christmas - come pick it up buddy!  I also threw in an old lamp for him today (my good deed for the day) which I'm sure I could have found a home for somewhere, but would obviously be much more appreciated by this woman than in my over-lamped house.  I also heard from a place that is working to support the over 400 people who were recently laid off from a plant in Fergus and was so happy to donate the corkboard to them.  So instead of Kijiji-induced rage/apathy/disappointment in humanity, I felt distinctly warm and fuzzy (not to mention my closet is now even less cluttered and more organized.. omg.. I'm so boring!!!!).
This took hours. "Before" picture withheld for a reason! ;)
With most of my Freecycle goods picked up and my house in this state of extreme organization I'm going to have to get creative for my good deeds for the rest of the month!  Anyone have any ideas? 

I wish I could give tons more money/goods to charity (and not just the one I work for) - that is an ongoing frustration.  Perhaps one day I'll win the lottery (right Dave, Kate, Pam, James, Dawn and Viv?) and be able to make it rain everywhere!

If anyone wants to join me for my December challenge, I'd love to share ideas and accomplishments!  I already have my mom and Jeff stepped up to the challenge with me, which is great! I'm hoping I can consciously continue it through to 2014 and beyond! Stay tuned..